The Divine Mercy Corporation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established to facilitate fundraising in the United States for Padre Martín Scott’s religious community Siervos de la Divina Misericordia. While he is commonly known as Padre Martín Scott, his formal name is Rev. P Ricardo Scott Chavanches. The name “Chavanches” was his mother’s maiden name, and it is traditional in Peru to also use a mother’s maiden name. When he was a priest in the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. he was known as Father Richard Scott. After he founded the community, he took “Martín” as his community name, so that is why he is now known as Padre Martín Scott.

Please keep in mind our “corporation” is actually an all-volunteer staff of four dedicated individuals. Because there is no paid staff, you can be confident that over 95% of your donation directly supports Padre Martín and his community. There are minimal administrative costs we cannot avoid, but we strive to limit these costs (or have them donated) where possible.

Divine Mercy Corporation is led by Deacon Frank Salatto, who is based in Maryland. He met Padre Martín when Padre was a diocesan priest and helped form the non-profit when the new religious order was founded.

The second branch of support grew in San Antonio, Texas now led by Jim Peterson who has been working with the ministry since 2011. Jim relocated to San Antonio after 22 years of service in the U.S. Air Force and now works in marketing for a Fortune 100 company. Jim manages the website and can be reached by emailing him at

We are a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and all donations to Divine Mercy Corporation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We thank you and bless you for your support!

Padre Martín Scott

Padre Martín Scott, formally Rev. P Ricardo Scott Chavanches, attended Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmittsburg, Maryland. In May 1988 he was ordained a diocesan priest for the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. For the next 15 years he was assigned to several parishes in the diocese. In 2003 he was granted permission from the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. to move to Peru with all of his priestly faculties. He is the founder of the religious community called “Siervos de la Divina Misericordia” in Chosica, Peru. He is a missionary priest whose religious community lives entirely off Divine Providence. The charism of his religious community life is based on the messages concerning our Lord’s infinite Divine Mercy given to Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska.

Padre José María
Padre José María is now the Superior of Siervos de la Divina Misericordia and is from Tablada de Lurin (Lima), Peru. He felt the calling to the priesthood from a very young age. He had entered a diocesan seminary in northern Peru, but was unable to continue after the first year. A friend of his told him about a new community near Lima and he introduced himself to Padre Martín shortly afterward. He was one of the first vocations after the community was founded. He chose his name because he has a great devotion to Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary. He was ordained as a priest on 26 April 2014 along with Padre Pedro. They are the first two ordained priests since the community was started by Padre Martín.
Padre Pedro de María Rosa Mística
Padre Pedro is from Cajamarca, Peru. His father died suddenly when he was seven, and he was raised by his mother. He felt his calling to the priesthood at the age of 30. At the time he was working in construction, and for a while he denied the calling. He entered the community in June 2004, but after the six-month Aspirancy he initially declined the invitation to stay. Shortly after that he was on a retreat and one of the priests said, "Whatever you have to do, do it now." After he heard this he felt he had to come back. He chose the name Pedro (Peter) because he said his head is like a rock (with great laughter). He then clarified to say he felt a close companionship with St. Peter in that he also had denied Jesus three times. Padre Pedro also has a great devotion to Santa Rosa de Mystica. Padre Pedro was ordained as a priest on 26 April 2014. Along with Padre Jose Maria, they are the first ordained priests since the community was started by Padre Martín.
Padre Pío
Padre Pío is from Huancayo in the Ancash Province of Peru. He felt his calling to the priesthood at the age of 19-20. He was involved in a Catholic Charismatic Renewal group, and several of the people were telling him he was going to be a priest. Then when he was in confession one day, the priest (whom he did not know) told him he was going to be a priest. He found his way to the community through Padre Mariano de Jesús. They were from the same city, and Padre Mariano de Jesús, who had already met Padre Martín, told him he had a friend who was interested in the priesthood. This was in 2004. Padre Pío chose his name after reading a biography of St. Padre Pio. St. Pio's gift for confession made a big impression on him. The ministry of confession is very important to him. He has a charism of music, but he also feels like he may be called to be an exorcist at some point. Padre Pío completed his seminary studies and was ordained as a Deacon in 2016. He received his ordination into the priesthood on 2 February 2019.
Padre Mariano de Jesús
Padre Mariano de Jesús was born in Lima but lived his life in Huancayo which is about six hours from Lima. He felt his calling to the priesthood at age five while watching the Our Lord of the Miracles procession (a huge event in Peru). When the camera focused on Jesus up close, he saw Jesus' eyes open and stare at him. Since then he knew he would be a priest. He originally tried to enter a charismatic community but was told they were not taking more Aspirants that year. In early 2004 his mother brought him to Lima. He was talking to a religious singer one day, and she suddenly started asking him if he had a vocation. Still upset by the rejection, he told her he didn't want to talk about vocations. She told him about Padre Martín Scott and how he had recently returned to Peru and started a community. Without being asked, she then called up Padre Martín and said, "I have a young man here with a vocation." The next thing he knew he was talking to Padre Martín on the phone and was asked to come over. He declined, but the singer then said she was going and he could ride with her. Then she just dropped him off and left! Because he had seen Padre Martín giving talks at a conference, he says he felt like he was with a movie star. He was still not interested. But then he saw Padre Martín look up toward heaven for a moment, after which he said, "Jesus told me this: My son, don't be afraid because I choose the weakest." Right after Padre Martín said that he felt in his heart that he would join the community. He arrived in the community in late March of 2004. As he was leaving for the community, his mother handed him a booklet she had found in their house on St. Domingo Savio, thinking it must be his. He said he had no book like that, but his mother insisted. He read the booklet and enjoyed it very much. When Padre Martín told him he had to take a religious name, he took that as a sign. He then read a more complete biography and on retreat confirmed his choice of the name Domingo. Later he was inspired to change his name to Mariano de Jesús and now goes by Mariano. Padre Mariano was ordained in August 2019.
Padre Benito de María
Padre Benito is from the Piura province in Peru, which is about 18 hours to the north of Lima by auto. He felt his calling to the priesthood at age 17, but he says for years before that it was a curiosity then it became a decision. He found out about Padre Martín's community when a friend attended a retreat run by Padre Martín in Piura. He had his friend make the connection and send his information to Padre Martín. Padre Benito entered the community in February of 2004. He chose Benito as his religious name because St. Benedict was contemplative and he felt he wanted to be more contemplative. He had also considered St. Martín de Porres or St. Augustine, but the name Benito become stronger in his heart as he was discerning his choice. He laughs about it now because he actually prefers to be more active rather than contemplative. He has a strong desire for missionary work in many countries. He wants to see the world as he does God's work. He completed his main studies in the seminary and was ordained a Deacon in 2016. He recently received his ordination into the priesthood on 2 February 2019.
Padre Juan Pablo
Padre Juan Pablo is originally from Cusco, Peru in the province of Canas. He joined the community in January of 2006. He started out in a Diocesan program, but felt very strongly that he wanted to be in a familial community life. He was introduced to Padre Martín at a Mass in Huachipa, which he attended specifically for an introduction. From the time he met Padre Martín it took 10 months to arrange the paperwork for the transfer. He then spent six months as an Aspirant, one year as a Postulant, and two years as a Novice before entering the seminary. He felt the calling to be a priest at the age of 14, and his charism is his ability to relate to children and young people. He says he feels very happy in his vocation and with the community. When choosing his religious name, he went on a retreat to discern between three choices he was having trouble narrowing. When he returned, still not fully decided, they all asked him which he had chosen but he didn't want to say anything. Padre Martín then blurted out, "Did you choose Juan Pablo?!" He took that as confirmation and so became Brother Juan Pablo. Padre Juan Pablo was ordained into the priesthood on 17 April 2021.
Brother Agustín Jeremías
Brother Agustín was born in Lima, but he grew up in Huancayo along with Brothers Domingo and Pio. He felt the calling to the priesthood at age 16, but his parents thought it was better for him to pursue a career. He ignored the calling for many years, pursuing instead the "pleasures of the world." He had a very holy experience during a retreat in 2006 and spent two years in discernment with a polish priest. He felt a strong devotion to Divine Mercy and wanted to go to Poland and complete seminary training there. After learning this was not possible, he was led to Padre Martín's community through Brother Domingo. He first entered the community in December of 2008 and is currently studying Philosophy in the seminary. He chose Agustín as his name because he felt a close kinship in the way St. Augustine also spent many years in the world before commiting himself to Jesus Christ.
Brother Rafael

Brother Rafael is a Seminarian from Bogota, Colombia. He entered the community in October 2013 at the age of 19. He felt the calling to the priesthood at age 15 and would make jokes with his friends about being a priest. They only thought he was joking, but he felt he had to joke because he didn't want them to make fun of him. He spent three months in discernment with a Colombian priest who had a Lay community. A close friend of Padre Martín's in Colombia met him and remarked to her friend, "This boy has a vocation." He was introduced to Padre Martín when Padre was visiting Colombia in July 2013. His friends told him that Padre would ask The Lord as they were talking whether or not "Miguel" (his given name) was right for the community, and that Padre could say no. Within five minutes Padre Martín told him The Lord was waiting with open arms for him in Peru. Their first conversation occurred right after a Mass while Padre was dressed in vestments. Afterward when Rafael saw him in his habit (the first priest he had ever seen in a habit), he thought to himself, "I want to be like him." Rafael has a gift of joy and he wants to share that joy with the world. He is convinced many people who are sad can feel joy through him, and he realizes that this joy is a tremendous gift from God.