Weekly Spiritual Reflections from Padre Martín
We do our best to hold a weekly Zoom meeting with Padre Martín Scott as long as his travel schedule or commitments allow it. The meetings alternate between English and Spanish. We always send an email the day of the Zoom meeting that will clearly state whether it will be English or Spanish. The meetings last one hour. Padre Martín provides a spiritual reflection, and then we open it up to those attending for questions or comments. The talks are always recorded and posted on our YouTube channel (link below).
The weekly Zoom meetings are held every Tuesday, 6:00-7:00 PM US Central Standard Time. If you would like to attend, please sign up for our email list.
Las reuniones semanales de Zoom se llevan a cabo todos los martes de 1800-1900, hora estándar central de USA. Si desea asistir, regístrese en nuestra lista de correo electrónico.
Check out our YouTube Channel
For past recordings of ALL the Zoom Spiritual Reflections, please visit the Divine Mercy Corporation YouTube Channel.
The Lord Shows His Presence During Mass
In this remarkable video The Lord revealed His presence during the Consecration in a Mass conducted at St. Monica’s Catholic Church in Converse, TX. Padre Martín Scott was the presiding priest, and a member of our volunteer staff, Bobby Contreras, was filming the Mass on his mini-IPAD.
As Padre Martín raised the host, a bright light suddenly appeared in the video. The church lights did not change at all, which is plainly evident if you look at the unaltered pew shadows on the floor. Bobby, thinking something had gone wrong with the camera, attempted to reset the auto-focus several times by tapping on the IPAD screen. The bright light remained throughout the Consecration until the first response of the Mystery of Faith was completed. Then just as it suddenly appeared, it went away. There is no earthly explanation for the phenomena, and the timing makes it all the more real.
In agreeing to share this, Padre Martín would like to emphasize that the video reinforces our own belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. He believes the video is God’s gift to His people, and we are humbled and grateful that He chose our event in San Antonio for this astonishing revelation.
The community has a real need for benefactors. If this video touches your heart, we ask that you please consider a donation. Any amount would be greatly appreciated. You can always email us from the Contact Us page for more information about Padre Martín Scott and his ministry.